Winter 2020-2021


Si Perchik *
David Axelrod Romancing The Storm
Jennifer Magliano Slow Glacier
Stephanie Schlachtman Momma Weighs More Than The Beast
Noreen Forde McDonald Elegy To Sue Levy
John A Brennan Exhumation
Paula Timpson Pandemic
Tammy Nuzzo-Morgan November Evening
Glenn P Garamella Three Seasons
Dan Giancola Near Ghazal 20
Terri Muuss Getting Hit
Nancy C Keating The Grammar Of The Mother
Kate Lamberg How Shadows Nudge Us
Barbara Marie Truglio Climb A Ladder To The Stars
Mindy Kronenberg Tumor
j.t. infanson Your Touch Is Like The Warmth From The Sun
Rita Rose Gaiety Of Masks
Jacqueline Moss Juncture
Pramila Venkateswaran Our Adventurous Bodies
Victoria Twomey Your Voice Which Is Like Rain Now
Russ Green Montauk
Evelyn Kandel Lament
Cheryl A Rice Beach In Memory
Barbara Novack Time Capsule
Alice Kavounas That Night At The Theater
Gayl Teller Threading
Barbara Southard Doug
Sharon Anderson Reading Frost
Tom Stock The Trance-like Excitement of Charles Mingus
Eugene Goldin George Jones’ Ghost
Emily-Sue Sloane Fog Horn
Graham Everett Reckon So
Herb Wahlsteen Puppet-Dancing
Alice Byrne Caution
Jean L Kreiling For Westhampton Beach, New York
Vicki Iorio Something White
Doreen D Spungin Breaking News / Ancient Questions
Tony Iovino Chantilly Fields
Matt Pasca When I Start The Timer
Lois Walker A World
Maria Kranidis Immigrants
Wayne Mennecke Day Camp For Conspiracies
Paula Camacho Thoughts On A Drive To The Doctor
Robert Savino Lifelines
Ellen Pickus Almost A Life
Sasha Ettinger Life What’s It Like?
Beverly E Kotch Infernal Unequalness
Linda Opyr The Fence
Denise Kolanovic Flying
Barbara Ann Branca Among Glacial Erratics
Kelly J Powell Death of Van Gogh
Mary Jane Tenerelli Vacancies
Richard Bronson The Gift
Anthony Policano Abundance, Breakfast And Absence
JR Turek Victrola Plays On
Marsha M Nelson These are the Days
Barbara Segal Where Land Is Water and Water Land
Charles Turner Try Asking The Lifeguard
Gladys Henderson Waiting Out The Night