an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century

John Roche


That mouse that ate your birth certificate
was doing the universe’s bidding
Those flames that took your house and cats
were just following their karma
The cultie voting for Trump or RFK, Jr.
is just doing what culties do

Everything has its shelf life
even, the Sutras say,

How much shorter is the life of a nation
Egypt, Rome, or China the flicker of a candle
Shorter, still, an upstart democracy,
not even 250 years old

TikTok TikTok TikTok
sings another Korean boy band
to a world that’s surrendered
what original mind it once possessed
to “Influencers” and confidence men

The an-entropic urge
may still be alive
weakened though it is
Make a joyful noise
a ditty-wop-ditty dithyramb
unto The People, Yes!

John Roche lives in Placitas, NM where he helps Jules Nyquist run Jules’ Poetry Playhouse and edit Poetry Playhouse Publications. He is the author of five full-length collections including Joe Rides Again (FootHills Publishing 2020).