an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century

John Macker


God said that
Rimbaud had alien DNA
“I did my research.”

God said: “Arthur is too crazy
for just one planet.”
And God once listened to

Langston’s unblown saxophone
of eternity and immediately
came back down to earth.

Poet, playwright and essayist John Macker has lived in Northern New Mexico for 28 years. His most recent books of poetry are Belated Mornings, Atlas of Wolves, The Blues Drink Your Dreams Away Selected Poems 1983-2018, (2019 New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards finalist), El Rialto (a memoir), and Desert Threnody, essays and short fiction (a 2021 New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards winner for fiction anthology). For several years, he was a contributor to Albuquerque’s Malpais Review. His trilogy of one-act plays, Black Range Trilogy was produced by Teatro Paraguas in Santa Fe in 2023.