an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century

Winter 2022-2023
Shirley Cravotta
The Moon Men are here.
And there.
And Everywhere.
Once upon a time they prowled
the dark edges of forgotten
Cityscapes, hungry ghosts
wrapped in fog.
But no more.
Now sunlight glints off their
rainbow obsidian nails and
porcelain fangs.
In sky-high crystal towers
they plot.
And plunder.
Peace for Power.
Shirley Cravotta is a Long Island native and recipient of an Editor’s Choice Award from the National Library of Poetry. Her work has been featured in several anthologies, as well as in Long Island Quarterly. Shirley is endlessly inspired by the natural beauty of ‘The Island’, where she works to support women’s leadership in business, teaches community education, and pursues her passion for creative writing.