an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century

Winter 2022-2023
Luciann TwoFeathers Berrios
Loneliness is wanting to walk to your mothers grave at dawn
Looking for love
When you can’t find it in the corners of your bed
In the eyes you gaze into
In the memories hung on strings
Or in the melodies that often soothed you
That brought your toes to tapping
Called Your body to rolling its curves
It’s the distance between my hand and her body
The width of granite stone and the depth of the cosmos
Its pouring love into a bottomless vase you could never fill
Longing to touch warm skin other than your own, that once
knew how to make yours ache in delight.
Only to feel chilled and empty air
Lurking like shadows, in the places of great company,
loneliness, you’ve always been there
What would it take to become unacquainted
For you to forget my name or face
What strange duality
Loneliness – Come Seeking me
You so often love my company
Luciann Two Feathers Berrios is a published poet, tarot reader, custom crystal healing jewelry maker born and raised in Astoria, New York. She has been a voice for female empowerment through her written publications such as Women of Eve’s Garden: an Anthology, a poetry collection she curated, edited, and contributed to, consisting solely of female and non-binary voices .