an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century
Lenny Dellarocca
After we stepped from the jet’s cockpit with its menagerie
of dials and switches,
we linked hands
in a line
of little candy puffs of blue,
beige, and red—
along Idlewild’s
Pan Am terminal,
where disembodied
voices roiled
and tumbled
like helpless
invisible clothes
in a huge, cold
But it’s the body I remember most, twisted in a blood splat
at the bottom of an escalator,
where a woman in a yellow summer dress
screamed like Ann Darrow
at the sight of Kong.
A man in a gray jacket, black tie
and black-framed glasses
ditched his briefcase and jumped—
Clark Kent
trying to hug
a polished floor.
Miss Kennedy, like a clean hen
in a lilac dress, corralled us under
her wing, pulled us away
from the star-shaped suicide.
But it was just a television show to me, without commercials.
Lenny DellaRocca is the founder and co-publisher of South Florida Poetry Journal. His work has appeared in print and online since 1980.