an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century
John Dorsey
it’s so hot
that even the trees
prefer to dance alone
they prefer the sound
of their own voice too
you read a poem
about addiction
which is really about death
which is really about trees
i imagine you picking apples
along a riverine
in a nebraska boneyard
your hands are pale
crows have reshaped the digits
of their need
you take two steps back
before i can even forget
to mispronounce your name
your dead brother’s song
is a chorus in an empty field.
John Dorsey lived for several years in Toledo, Ohio. He is the author of several collections of poetry, including Teaching the Dead to Sing: The Outlaw’s Prayer (Rose of Sharon Press, 2006), Sodomy is a City in New Jersey (American Mettle Books, 2010), Tombstone Factory, (Epic Rites Press, 2013), Appalachian Frankenstein (GTK Press, 2015) Being the Fire (Tangerine Press, 2016) and Shoot the Messenger (Red Flag Poetry, 2017),Your Daughter’s Country (Blue Horse Press, 2019), and Which Way to the River: Selected Poems 2016-2020 (OAC Books, 2020). His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and the Stanley Hanks Memorial Poetry Prize. He was the winner of the 2019 Terri Award given out at the Poetry Rendezvous.