an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century
Daniela Andonovska Trajkovska
I was a line parallel to all the lines
I was stretching infinitely
so I could be myself without all others around me
without hungry touch and coordinates that spread rumours
in the world of zeros and ones
in the world with two achromatic colors
and when my soul sensed the blood under the tongue
and when the thought started to lose sense
I jumped into the equilateral triangle
that I had dug out with my bare hands
in the middle of the thick darkness
in the middle of the winter’s eyes
in the air bubbles I exhaled you out of my chest
and I continued to drown in me all alone
a whole new world I saw
under the skin of the frozen shadows
and lines of events that are perpendicular from the past to me
and air spheres full of soul
and planes curved that cry among the mad skies
separating me from the old world
with a curved inhale in me I took
the black sky with scattered look
and the new chromatic world
with the palms of my “I”
with the new world the old one I was holding
and then I saw that a line can be itself
only in relation to others
and then on my naked body
I started to look
for points and segments
and for lines and curves
and for skies and tears
and for the water that stills
and then in the white light
I saw seven colors
Daniela Anonovska-Trajkovska (1979) is poetess, scientist, editor, literary critic, doctor of pedagogy, university professor. She works at the Faculty of Education-Bitola, St. “Kliment Ohridski” University-Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia and is a member of the Macedonian Writers’ Association, Macedonian Science Society – Bitola, Slavic Academy for Literature and Art in Varna – Bulgaria, Bitola Literary Circle, and was president of the Macedonian Science Society Editorial Council. She is editor in chief of the literary journal “Rast”/ “Growth” issued by the Bitola Literary Circle, editor in chief of the International Journal “Contemporary Dialogues” (Macedonian Science Society), and editor of “Literary Elements” Journal (Perun Artis). A Flat Line is from the book “Math Poetry” for which she received the “Aco Shopov” award from the Macedonian Writers’ Association in 2020.