Farid Bitar
A man approached
Intruding on my space
Out of the blue moon
Asking Boy, where do you come from?
Oblivious to the beast
I exclaimed
Where do l know you from?
Persisting with the demand
I replied
From my mother’s thing
His face frowned angrily
I corrected myself
God created me l think
Actually I am from the land
Of milk and sunny
I am a sabrah-Handalah
The cactus with thorns
I am the other Semite though
The man perplexed
So you are not the chosen one
Yes l am
The indigenous one
Silence fell
He departed mumbling under his breath
What a crazy dude
I was ecstatic
I pondered
The last time we hosted a stranger
He took over the house.
FARID BITAR has published two poetry books: “Footprints in the Mist” in 2010 and “Treasury of Arabic Love” in 1997. Several of his poems are in the recent bilingual (Arabic and English) anthology of Palestinian Poets entitled “A Blade of Grass” published in November, 2017. Farid has also recorded two music CD’s in the studios in 2009 and 2011: “Fatoosh” and “Shutat”