an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century

Winter 2024-2025
Mary Winters
1 ladle of laughter
A soupcon of simile
1 scoop syllables
An ounce of onomatopoeia
1 teaspoon cliches (optional)
1 iambic pentameter
A dollop of dangling participles
1/4 cup diced diction
1/4 cup minced metaphors
2 tablespoons rhyme
1 cup chopped criticism
A meaty message
A squeeze of Shakespeare
A pinch of Poe
Mix the first four ingredients together in a large bowl. If desired, crush the cliches with the flat of a knife and add to the mixture sparingly. Peel the pentameter and cut its flesh into 5 large pieces. Add dangling participles, diced diction, and minced metaphors. Stir frequently. Rinse rhymes thoroughly and reserve for later. Boil the criticism in a small saucepan for 2 minutes then transfer to a colander. Run under cold water to remove any unwanted advice. Pound the meaty message with purpose then immediately pour onto a page. Allow ingredients to soak overnight for full absorption. Add the reserved rhyme. An instant-read thermometer inserted into its thickest part should read “well done.” Add a squeeze of Shakespeare. Garnish with a pinch of Poe and serve immediately.
MARY WINTERS is the author of ‘Just Between Us,. a poetry collection that captures the essence of everyday life through her perceptions, experiences, and memories. She is a member of the Farmingdale Poetry Group, the Farmingdale Creative Writing Group, and the Long Island Writer’s Guild. Mary is a Member of the Advisory Board for the Nassau County Poet Laureate Society.