an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century

Winter 2024-2025

Jay Jii


Fevered sky
Night surrenders
To whirls of light
I see madness
Behind the brush
Each swirl, a wound
On a canvas
That holds its breath

Fingers of flame
Grope the ink-dark sky
The stars, spinning, burning
Frenzied strokes trace chaos
The work of restless hands
Van Gogh, pouring his soul
Into a fractured stratosphere

The moon, a bruised pearl
Gazes over a dreaming village
Quiet glow, a mere breath
Against the cry of galaxies
Mountains loom, an ancient backdrop
Jagged spires like silent prophets
Watch the heavens writhe
In perfect agony

The cypress
Dark as midnight’s secret
Claws at the sky
A desperate plea
Rising into the searing vault
Forged in beautiful fury

Vincent Van Gogh—
Painted torment
Painted light
In that endless night
He found both ruins
And redemption

Among the stars
He witnessed
And tried

To name it

Jay Jii is a purveyor of poetic cabaret, and  curator of the Avant Garden Poetry Amphitheater. Writer. Composer. Adventurer. Romantic. Musician. Thespian. Artist. Film-maker. English Bulldog enthusiast.