an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century

Winter 2024-2025
Chip Williford
As the sky darkened at the hour of Vesper
Long before the victorious moonlight
triumphed the unsettled clouds
that were lingering
provoking the stars
which were scarcely seen
that night
I thought of you
my darling
Blue Moonlight
Was shining off your face
Your Beautiful Black Skin Glistened
with the sweat of the day
Nothing did I say or do
as I laid there still
watching you
come more clearly into my view
Sweaty, with the day’s offering
You began unbuttoning your shirt
unzipping your pants
then slowly peeling them off
and kicking them across the floor
You stood there naked by the window,
vibrant Blue light was illuminating and
touching your body everywhere
I wanted to be
yes, Beautiful is the world in which I live
I remained motionless
except for a smile did I give
As I wet my lips, Watching,
thinking, and yearning fervently
while thanking God
for his creation
of mankind
waiting patiently
for your signal
Beckoning me
to slowly climb
your back
to feel your long day’s sweat
against mine
I do,
love you.
Chip Williford is a writer of prose, poetry, and short stories. He is a videographer, filmmaker, documentarian, family historian, researcher, a good listener, and a relatable storyteller.