an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century

R B Weber
Little tippy two shoes,
Little tappy two boots.
Nudging pudgy white legs
across a freshwaxed glo
floor dragging custard Alice
a frozen smiley fast Fay.
Poor goody right girl show
every other two bright
shoes which kid has the right
to be Jack Haley’s one
military buddy.
Stubby little quick legs.
Piston-pushing plump legs.
Daddy thinks his lamby
pie is safely stashed at
Miss What’s-Her-Pincenez’s
boarding school. But our littlest
Colonel gets away. Takes
off, pins jumping: makes out,
keeping pumping time with
even Bojangles soft
shoe-sing smartly tartly.
Tumbling tubby torso.
Thumping those nubby toes.
That sugar-smile coated
every egomommy’s little
wildly puckered hopeful,
syruped them to wishes for
wrinkled pug nose. They wore
beautiful closed curls. They took
patent stiff steps for Holy
Wood with sunny brooks. She
made those decade-long suckers.
That good ship kid kicker.
Slickest lollipop licker