an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century

David Ignatow
A man, a famous man, is being talked about in another country and, because he is being talked about, an official from the Department of Culture has arrived at his house to strike him for each though expressed by the stranger on this famous man. He asks, Why strike me when it’s not I who is doing the talking? We strike, the reply goes, because you are the surrogate for that man. When he stops talking about you, we will stop talking to you with our hands. The famous man decides to call up this stranger whose name he does not know and ask him or her to stop taking about him, and so he places the call with the operator, who says she knows exactly who the stranger is and that she is ready to call the person but first must strike herself over the head, as required by the rules of the Department of Culture. This she does and then proceeds to put through the call. The person answers the phone, listens, and gives one huge scream, which is heard by the famous man, who turns to the cultural attaché of his government and says, That person know my work. I am delighted.