an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century

Winter 2023-2024
Puma Perl
My windows overlook cranes and wasteland
Once there was a park
The buildings across the river stole my sunrise
I stare at the ceiling from my bed
I am thankful that I have a bed and my rent is paid
Thank you Thank you Thank you
We live on the LES of lies and concrete
I am thankful for the elevator
Thank you Thank you Thank you
I say, if it is waiting, unbroken
Fuck Fuck Fuck
I say, when it’s stuck, then I kick the wall
and hurt my foot and scare the dog
Another night falls and I count my blessings
as I lie awake at 3:30 AM
And it’s sort of raining but not enough
to provide comfort and I turn the fan off,
turn the air conditioner on, and then
I do it in reverse and back around
Thank you Thank you Thank you
for my fan and air conditioner
and the small black dog asleep in her bed
For my apartment that I can almost afford
and my two kids who usually don’t hate me
The morning begins and I don’t write a poem
I don’t exercise except for my walk with the dog
I don’t eat a healthy breakfast except for the egg
But I water a plant whose eyes I’ve been avoiding
for several days, so I guess that counts for something
My plant is alive and my kids don’t hate me today
and my dog chased the ball and I ate food
and I live somewhere and I have a bed
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
PUMA PERL is an award-winning poet, writer, and journalist, with five solo collections and arecord album in production. Her band, Puma Perl and Friends, merges poetry with rock and roll. She lives on the Lower East Side, was raised in Brooklyn, and spent school and summer vacations with relatives in Syosset, Long Island