an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century
Susan Terris
Marabout has my witched spoon
Spins it in a doctor-wind
To be witched is blessing sometime
He says for a barren 4th wife
Was asleep with the spoon then you
Traveler came stole us both
Now at your hut a kettle for two
I grab my spoon in its bowl
I’m upsidedown not witched
I see spoon or me yet possessed
Promise to be good to us I say kind
Then I might not need to kill you
SUSAN TERRIS is a freelance editor and the author of 7 books of poetry, 17 chapbooks, 3 artist’s books, 2 plays. Journals include The Southern Review, Georgia Review, Prairie Schooner, Rattle, Blackbird, Poetrybay, and Ploughshares. Poems of hers have appeared in Pushcart Prize and Best American Poetry. Her newest book is Dream Fragments (Swan Scythe Press Award). Ms. Terris is editor emerita of Spillway Magazine and a poetry editor at Pedestal.