an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century
K.R. Morrison
A woman is a labyrinth a molotov cocktail
tucked in her bones are portals
waiting to teach her
and her lover lessons
that are naked, dripping.
An excavation into her is an exorcism
what memories in her flesh
to exhume, what to leave
alone, buried in peace.
What to bite without swallowing
without choking
on her ghosts, intruding.
Last night I made love to the moon she whispered
into the braids of my hair
that my terrain has changed
my thin skin is stronger, aging obsidian
I got cypress trees growing
from assault’s cemeteries
inside of me.
In my bed I become a moon He becomes a forest
we invoke the Indian sea
make avalanches listen, down
his mouth
I tumble
into a labrynth
from where
his poems come, from his lungs
quetzals fly, their feathers made of razorblades
Where my cuts are born I hear freedom fighters promise
there’s another world
where finally, I can breathe
when he sinks into me
a world where I can truly make love
a world where falling
into my wounds is safe
a heroine’s journey.
K.R. MORRISON is a Bay Area poet who splits her time between San Francisco and a place she calls Mermaid Town. Her first chapbook, “Cauldrons” was published by PaperPress books.