an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century
WINTER 2022-23
70TH Anniversary of the Night of the Murdered Poets
Rushishe Felder
IN RUSSIAN FIELDS (Af Rushishe Felder)
Russian fields on winter evenings
Where can one be so lonely
Where can one be so old?
An old horse wheezes
an old sled creaks
a road is covered in snow —
and I am halfway home
My horse and I are on the edge of twilight
A smear of dying light below, smoldering sadly
Before us a vast white desert sprawls,
and strewn across it is a scattering of houses
And just there, a Jewish cottage
spellbound, buried in snow
with many paths leading to it
A Jewish cottage like all the others
only perhaps the windows are a bit bigger
only i am the oldest child living there.
And narrow is my world
and tiny is my circle
and once, every two weeks
i come to visit my little shtetl.
Roads upon roads, snow-covered, distant,
Longing upon longing, in the broad silent fields
And hidden in their hearts,
and carrying them sorrowfully,
little crying seeds waiting to be sown
Russian fields on winter evenings
What can be so lonely
What can be so old?
(fr Song Lyrics, Polina Shephard, 150 voices lyrics (polinashepherd.co.uk)_