an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century
Tanya Ko Hong
For Eric & Randy
Smell of incense
under the spring sun
buds blossom
I can’t even open the kimbap lunch box
Headed to a country where no address can be found
leaving my children behind
Life is dots of mystery
everything stops
but love rooted in the rock
When you drive The Artist’s Road in Death Valley
to find me or answer
please stop the car
push back your seat
make yourself comfortable
like a caterpillar in a dark room
listen to the dialogue with silence
I was enough
I always chose love
I tried my best to live happily
You are the gifts I leave to the universe
Such a blessing
One last bedtime story I will read to you:
Now the hero defeats the villain
The world is a prize of peace and love
Oma will become a superhero and come back for you
Tanya (Hyonhe) Ko Hong is a bilingual Korean American poet. translator, playwright, and cultural curator. Tanya was the first Korean-American recipient of the Yun Doon-ju Korean-American Literature Award and the 10th Ko Won Memorial Foundation Literature Award in 2020. Her segmented poem, “Comfort Woman,” won the 11th Moon Prize from Writing in a Woman’s Voice; it is now being turned into a play.