an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century
Karen Hildebrand
Sparks like a match—
golden fringe she wears, tier
upon tier, when she
shimmies, it stands on end
flying all its flags at once.
Dark as a corner
his approach, aged
bourbon. Her spike heel
shears his trouser
crease, quick cross, ankle
nip. He whips her around—
she drips down
his torso, each pore
headed back to its seat
wound pulsing.
Karen Hildebrand is the author of Crossing Pleasure Avenue (2018, Indolent Books) and the play, “The Old In and Out” (2013, with Madeline Artenberg). Her poems appear in many journals and scrawled on public toilet stalls across America. She harbors no aspiration to travel in space, but would treasure another visit to Lisbon.