an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century
David Scronce
Las Quince Letras: a restaurant
Around the corner from a convent
Situated in Oaxaca
Quite close to Santa Domingo.
Umbrellas, no, a shaded patio,
Incense of mole as you enter,
Nostrils flaring from the chilis
Celia burns on her comal.
Enrique pours another round—
Liquor from the wild agave
Entrances travelers to this town.
Termagant tamed, the arrogant humbled.
Ricochet of shot off
Adobes all around.
Silence is no celebration.
David Scronce is the author of the chapbook Letters to Liam. He has an MFA from the writing seminars at Bennington College. His work has appeared in Poetrybay, 5AM, Alabama Literary Review, Bayou, Confrontation, GW Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Minetta Review, The Monarch Review, Permafrost, Portland Review, Rhino, Salamander, Spillway, Verdad, and Westview. David recommends Oaxaca to anyone who loves great food and nightly street parades.