an on-line poetry magazine
for the 21st century

Sheri Lynn
an eagle climbing sunward lets a biolage ebony to snow feather fall
despite a breeze urging the plume afloat
it bursts to gold and violet star dust
which begins to rain its sparkle ash on soils and seas
when bursting from each fleck emerges
the dance of the butterflies
delicate wings pulsate flute whistles of an aria
as thunder of more and more eagles swoop
then soften to a soundless glide
release their plumages in a knowing
star dust rain showers
flourish the butterfly dance
reaching every window, yard, street, beach, forest, desert, ocean
where children, elders, elephants, pandas, potoos, caracals, whales,
surface from foraging in witness
hold a breath gasp
this scent of rain without water invocation
ocean tides smooth to glass and
leaves subdue as if in a Klimt birch painting
clouds yield to allow a brilliant sapphire
showcase the chromatic aberration of every wing
not one the same with hues unnamed
transmuting with each flutter apparition
seconds or millennia, behold this majesty
those with angst forget their quarrels
no longer caring for wound significance
arms embracing, not to arm
a soothe offering fosters nourishment
as trees, bees, seas replenish
with each soul shifting intention, wakening to
the dance of the butterflies
Once an executive innovator, now poetry and photography award recipient Sheri Lynn launched debut “Nature’s Breath”, accompanying notecards and BreatheInsights.com in 2019. Other works were published (2018-2021) by: Ms. Magazine, Chicken Soup for the Soul-Listen to Your Dreams, NCPLS, PPA, DBP, Bards, TNSPS, The 911 Memorial Museum, The Odyssey magazine, blogs, newsletters and more.