Kelly J Powell
Would that we were young and old
at the same time and would that we could
do it all again in a microsecond of 30 years
I could unsay the few words that I said that
changed your life forever sending you off to
the oceans and the land and the world of academia
a wife and a child in tow…would that we were still
the natural beauty of 25 years old and born
to privilege and now that fortunes have risen and fallen
we could go back in time and follow in our fathers’
footsteps as if that were possible to ever do. Time
once stopped in Greenwich Village and Brooklyn
in a Golden Age before the Milennium and milennials
and the world was a beautiful stage, not the postage
stamp of a Broadway stage or dinner theatre
of Tony and Tina’s wedding, but wide open spaces
above and beyond the calls of duty and home fires
now burning. Stepping onto an avenue being overrun
now by gentrification and guilty pleasures
of responsibility and broken dreams ever a cycle
of creation and destruction with the goddess Kali
in tow and towing and ebbing and flowing like tides,
through canals, upstream, downstream, shovelers
and grovelers, men and women working in shops,
shops for cars, for baked and canned goods, homemade
and not homemade. All of it and all of them coming and
going like the tide and with the sun and the moon
and millions of christ figures hanging their laundry
from tenement windows back when the earth
at the center of everything like they believed
before the earth became round and organic
and warmed and cooled without a consciousness
or enlightenment or anything we could touch or wipe
clean our homes and our cars and the subway and urban
and suburban restlessness, steady and fast, slow
as molasses or fast as a jackrabbit, a dust bunny
tumbleweed rolling under the bed, forgotten,
creating life of its own.
KELLY J POWELL is a poet native to Long Island writing in the tradition of the Beat Poets.