John Roche
says the young woman in 1956 LSD study at VA hospital in Los Angeles
who likely has a black-and-white tv at home
to watch Montgomery Bus Boycott and other clashes of a black-and-white country
with white church spires overseeing black-and-white morality
and dualistic thinking, pink-or-blue gender roles, bipolar success drive fueled by caffeine, cigarettes, and martinis
Take two white aspirins and pray to White Jesus
Don’t call me in the morning
Let alone the morning after
She is volunteering for the experiment as the dutiful wife of a hospital employee
The research psychologist tells her she’s had a battery of tests that demonstrate
she is a normal person
She drinks down the glass of water laced with lysergic acid
Three hours pass
“It’s all too beautiful,” she says,
“Don’t you see it?”
JOHN ROCHE lives in Placitas, NM, where he helps Jules Nyquist run Jules’ Poetry Playhouse. His latest book is Joe Rides Again: The Further Adventures of Joe the Poet (FootHills Publishing, 2020).