Dorothy Friedman
What has the human season produced? Spontaneous heat and havoc.
Here we are browsing each other among the buttercups.
So take this cup of modernity Dorothy and elucidate your feelings,’
We are falling backwards into a field of possibility–catch us before we
So the past is the past but what about new beginnings for Johnny Appleseed.
standing so tall and brave at the helm of this tomato?. Love us, he pleads
twirling the stem, for we are sick of nations and wish to belong to
And as we film his alienation we wonder if he can be satisfied to live
in these altered
states. And will accept this offer of a trapeze to expand the library of
missing sounds
Conscious of change and smiling at remnants of ourselves, we suddenly become
infatuated with myth and empathy for the needs of seeds like J. A.
The temperature is just right–ah yes–to demystify worry and expand our
wing span,
so we will rise to new heights, though for some it is humid today without
doubt, though
even the devious turtledove braces its wings just before the twister
propels us north.
DOROTHY FRIEDMAN AUGUST is a widely published award winning poet who has won two New York Foundation of the Arts fellowships and published three books of poetry. Two upcoming books, L SHAPED ROOM and DRINKING ALASKA will be published in 2021 by Poets Wear Prada, etc. She founded WHITE RABBIT, a compilation magazine whose most recent issue was dedicated to John
Ashbery and Colette Inez, both of whom she studied with, and she teaches writing at Empire State College and Bowery Poetry Club.