Kelly J. Powell
The pre-k nativity scene needs
a new Joseph. The old one home
with the flu–his stand-in more
friendly–but more stout. Momentarily
frustrated the old grand master decides
on the fly to use one of his wife’s
good bed sheets. He will regret this
later, alas the show must go on. So with
a decisive hole cut out for Jesus’ earthly
Dad’s overly large head and with palm
trees made of oak tag and tissue paper
wilting in all the wrong directions (a bad
artistic choice taken 10 years back to create
a more authentic Christmas in the desert
experience) they have suffered from
being stored improperly with the outdated
food pyramid, and so all are tossed
into the wrong recycle bin. With
no budget and no time, uses paper
towels, safety pins and crosses sticky
fingers. Disaster averted, a new
and improved Joseph makes his grand
entrance, Judgment day will have
to wait until the spring thaw.
KELLY J. POWELL is a poet Native to Long Island. A graduate of SUNY Binghamton’s
Literature and Rhetoric program, she has been published and performed widely
on Long Island and NYC. Her recent book Posthumously Yours is now available.